Kerry effectively tells America, "We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat."
Well, here it is, Kerry finally lays down some penetrating fire on the Bush/Iraq debacle. Now Kerry must be relentless and keep this tact up and HAMMER, HAMMER, HAMMER away at these bastards, 'cause Rove will sic the scumdogs - the same GOP scumdogs who "leaked" the CBS memos, as if those were'nt cooked up in some sleazy GOP dirty tricks closet of no-shame.
So, don't take my word for it, here is a link to the text of Kerry's speech at NYU today:
Oh yes, more good news, there will be THREE, count'um, THREE debates betwixt W and JFK over a two week period and one VP debate betwixt Cheney and Edwards (I guess old "W" ain't feeling as COCKY as he seems in front of the RAPT pre-selected crowds of Red State Brown Shirts he is usually jabbering away to these days). These debates should go a long way towards peeling away some of that cheap red, white and blue warpaint off of Bush's squinty-eyed mug.
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