Monday, October 25, 2004


Today was the day I have been waiting for. The chance to cast my vote. I voted for Kerry and against Bush. I voted for Denise Majette who is running for crazy Zell Miller's senate seat. I voted for John Barrow who is running against that fascist good old boy Max Burns for Georgia's 12th Congressional district. I voted and it felt great. In a little over a week I will know (or hope to know) if all this work that I have put in over the last year pays off - it has already paid off at a far deeper level in my heart and soul - but I do hope that our country can turn a corner on November 2, 2004.

I also marched down Oglethorpe and Broughton streets with a ton of loud, placcard waving democrats. We made a lot of noise, got some boos and thumbs down action from some redneck type Bush fans but all and all we seemed to get a lot of support from people on the sidewalk and in their car. Most of the local media were there to cover it. They were all going to vote early too, though I went to vote before the march because I knew it was going to be a mob scene. It was.

The die is cast.

here is a good article in todays Atlanta Journal Constitution:

Bush People and the Trouble with Reality


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