Friday, October 15, 2004

Dick and the Dyke

Since the Bush/Cheney camp can't point to even ONE solid debate performance from their dim-witted candidate, all they can do is jump up and down and whine like a petulant child that John Kerry and John Edwards BOTH brought up the fact that Cheney's daughter is a very public lesbian.

The Goons who troll the sewers over on hate radio have gone so far to say that the Democrats, by picking on little Mary Cheney, are picking on a mere CHILD, how dare they! Bastards!

Here is the Dope on Mary

The GOP and their intolerant minions have made GAY MARRIAGE one of the centerpieces of their campaign, using it as a wedge issue in their attempt to appeal to the emotions of social conservatives - all of whom HATE gay people. I'm still not so sure if the GOP are more afraid of their base finding out that Dick has an openly gay daughter (many of these head-in-the-sand types probably had no idea) OR that by showcasing her to the SWING VOTER, it blasts hot light on their hypocrisies.

This is the same sort of fingers-crossed behind the back, hypocritical, two faced, lying bullshit shoveled out by an Oxycontin infused Rush Limbaugh, an female harassing pompous ass like Bill O'Reilly, a slot machine preachy freak like the former GOP Values Czar Bill Bennett and the list goes on and on and on.

Time and time we are shown proof that all of that conservative repression creates vast amounts of pressure on the vice nodules found in the nether regions and it is only a matter of time before each and every one of these morally constipated, lust-bloated, eye-of-the-needle political and religious evangelical drones is caught projectile vomiting the contents of their deviant inards for all the world to see.

I salute you, each and every one of you anger-headed, moralistic, tunnel-brained, dunderheads! You have shown that you are, shockingly, even disturbingly, though still quite possibly, human after all.

Who is next, Hannity?

As Bush would say, "Bring it on!"



Blogger The Red Wolf said...

Whoa! Fire! Excellent! Well articulated Mr. O.

11:45 PM  

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