Friday, September 24, 2004

Now I know why Richard Burton was in EQUUS

Last night, I was out back chucking the tennis ball to my insatiable tennis ball addicted dog and my young neighbor saw me and walked over to shoot the shit.

He's a student at the local art college and we met right after I moved here two years ago. I've always enjoyed our strange chats, they tend to go into loopy realms, meaning, he has a lot funny ideas about regular things - I don't think he reads much. He sort of reminds me of the Ashton Kutcher character on "That 70's Show" in look and manner. He's a happy-go-lucky, bong-worshipping, product design major who occasionally comes across as being rather, how shall I say...dim?

Anyway, we were chatting about how both of our houses are on the market - we both rent - and how the sale of each would affect us. He then pointed to the house that sits next to mine and said, "Speaking of selling things, they have a HORSE for sale!"

"A what?"

"A Horse! They got a sign on the back fence over in the alley that says "Horse For Sale."


I gave him a sideways glance - In the two years I have lived here I have never seen a HORSE next door - and began to walk the twenty feet to get a better look at the sign hanging on the neighbors back fence and a quick re-scan of the sign confirmed my suspicions about the cognitive abilities of my chronic loving neighbor.

"Hey neighbor, the sign says "House For Sale"

"Really!? Shit Dude, I guess I was pretty high when I read it...bummer."

This revelation seemed to really bum him out. He was sure there was a horse.

Anyway, I figured my neighbor, who loves a good party, might consider actually buying a horse to help him on his cloudy journey through life, as they seem the preferred legal mode of transport for folks who enjoys tippling a few rounds or sucking from the graffix.

Follow this here link for a more thorough explanation:

Bartender, Call Up My Steed, Dammit!


Blogger Joshua Van Berkum said...

lol, that's great. Don't ever put up a sign that reads "Blow Dryer for sale, by owner."

10:44 AM  

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