Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Coming Soon to a DVD player near you, I hope!




Move over Jude "I'm in SIX frigg'in movies right now" Law!

I too am in a movie.

I play a very cool hitman who goes by the moniker of Orson. I sport a Navy Pea Coat, a turtle neck sweater, a touke (hat) and I walk around shoving a Colt .45 in various faces. I also slash tires, ransack a house, pick a lock, and then I get shot, left for dead, come back for revenge, get shot again and die a glorious cinematic death. Yet still, in the end, I save the main characters life, a kid played by a young actor named Thomas Lewis. So I got that going for me. I am a hitman with a heart of gold.

SNAP is the creation of a gifted young filmaker by the name of Andy Muto. It played to a packed house on the big screen here in Savannah one time at the Trustees theater and it is actually quite good. The DVD is gonna drop soon, I am told. The kid in the film was just in a movie called "Stroke of Genius" about the great amateur golfer Bobby Jones. He played the young Bobby Jones and Jim "The Passion of the Christ" Caviezal" played the grown up Bobby.

Anyway. I have no idea if they are going to festival this thing, sell it off to Italian TV or what. But one night, you might be channel surfing and see me and wonder if you've been drinking too much, and the answer is NO, you have not, for that is ME swaggering around your TV screen.

And then you can say you knew me when...

(here is the DVD case, dig the cool eyes of a hitman) The picture is huge, I know, but it's the only one I have.


Blogger Joshua Van Berkum said...

Hey, VERY cool! Please let us know if there is ever a spot where we can buy it on-line.

9:22 PM  

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