Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Resistance is Futile?

I culled this from the BLOGGER sign in page just now:

Resistance is Futile

This news article at Reuters says 'Blog' Tops U.S. Dictionary's Words of the Year. We are the blog. Join us.


It's kinda scary that some shill over at Blogger has the job of hyping "blogging" to bloggers? I mean, I'm already here, right? Oh yeah, it's the CHURCH thing! Church folk are already there too, but they have to keep reminding each other about how great it all is that they are all going to HEAVEN together. Fuck me, a place full of THOSE people, FOREVER? No thanks.

Have I possibly joined a cult via blogging?


People generally RUIN most of the good things in this life, do they not?

So, will we Bloggers soon have a collective song to sing together? Maybe a song like the one they have over at Wal-Mart (I know this because a recent Frontline - which, by the way, is where the REAL liberal media hangs its trucker hat, if you were wondering - on PBS showed Wal-Mart employees doing the Wal-Mart "let's sell some cheap chinese plastic shit" jig accompanied by some horrendous campfire "cow-kicked-nelly-in-the-belly-in-the-barn" ditty cross-referenced with the US Marine Corps chant of "hooah" that is apparently enjoyed every morning by the loyal, yet underpaid and under-represented minions of Mordor: the blue vest-wearing-price-chopping-life-challenged-hickory-smoked-Wal-Mart "sheeple" who LOVE good old Sam! May he burn in the fires of Mt. Doom!

Anyway, I signed on to thrill you with something fantastic, but this fucking WE ARE THE BLOG shit has got me a tad freaked out. So forgive.

Oh yeah, maybe we should be paying a little more attention to the events unfolding in the UKRAINE?

Just a thought. It's a big cold country, apparently full of a lot of pissed off people, which is historically a recipe for TROUBLE!


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