Sunday, November 21, 2004

A Death in the Family

Every once in a while I get this type of a phone call: A friend on the other end asks, "did you hear?" and this is followed by the sullen announcement that yet another old pal is dead.

This time it was Chris Hobgood, age 36. He was murdered last Wednesday in Knoxville Tennessee. He was shot once through the chest, in his car, while trying to escape from his murderer. Senseless. What a waste. The cops nabbed the shooter and since I don't believe in the death penalty - and it is moments like this that put that belief to the test - I hope he lives a long, absolutely useless life, always thinking of THAT NIGHT so long ago when he made a decision to kill another human being over MONEY (he was trying to rob Chris) and celebrates his 95th birthday in a small dirty cell - after a lifetime of getting ass-raped by his fellow human trash. Fucker. Long may he suffer.

I haven't seen Chris in almost a decade. But he was once of those original "red team" members from the days of the Great Chattanooga Punk Rock Rebellion who came to mind a lot as he was such a fixture of my youth. He made me laugh like very few people ever could and I always wished our paths would cross again some night down at the Stone Lion tavern.

Chris was famous for a million pranks, many of which were quite disgusting, yet VERY funny - that is if your humor quotient is easily accepting of anything that falls within the scatological realm and he was one of the smartest fuckers I knew. Super high I.Q. Trained as a scientist. He moved to Knoxville to work for the state of Tennessee and I was in California and sadly our paths never crossed again.

Anyway, my pal Brian "Uncle Torture" Holdam had some fine things to say about Chris and some of our memories of the crazy bastard and he put them on his blog. Check it out:

Hobgood R.I.P.

The Honor Roll of those in my life who have departed for the Elysian Fields is getting longer. It sucks, but it's life. After I heard the news the first person I wanted to call and talk to about it was the Sarge, as Chris and he were great pals, but alas, the Sarge is also gone, after shuffling off this mortal coil Five years ago this week. Jeez, FIVE YEARS ago?

I hate when people start talking about how "happy" they must be now, or how the departed are now in a better place, whooping it up with other dearly departed pals and famous dead rock stars, but somehow it seems to make people feel better. Just to think that Chris and the Sarge and El Duce and GG Allin really are laying under a bottomless keg of good beer, and telling fart jokes and laughing like Vikings does bring a smile to my face. It is a nice picture.

This is another STARK reminder that LIFE IS TO BE LIVED TO THE FULLEST. We shouldn't need reminders, but we do. Carpe Diem!


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