Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Back on Point!

As you can see, I haven't posted in a week.

This is due to a general feeling of gut churning malaise brought about by our national election results (not to mention the three day hangover induced by the copius amounts of asshole gasoline I poured down my gullet in an attempt to dial down the pain), plus the fact that we've been attempting, with some success, to put the new house in some form of livable order - the boxes must be unpacked one of these days.

I did not leave the national conversational data stream entirely and I have made every attempt to keep abreast of all the post-election "I told you so/you should have listened to me" snarling, which has erupted from the liberal wings of the chattering classes. I have also made a point to keep up with all the "atta-boys/we TRULY - meaning the GOP/NEO-CONS/EVANGELICAL Wing - understand the needs of the real morally upright American public - that is if moral values includes WAR and KILLING (Iraq) and INTOLERANCE (gay marriage) which are constantly espoused on the AM "Let's Talk Hate" radio dial. These people's sad worldview is confined within a bullet-proof, dust-proof, fact-proof, plexi-glass sarcophagus tightly sealed with the thick tar of base ignorance born from the dust of the darkest days of the middle-ages. In another life these people were the same pitchfork wielding, rot-gut fueled, superstitious fuck-o's that burned "witches".

So, just what do I want to plant next in my tiny little cyber acre of literary output? Where do I want to take my blog? I started it to rant and rave about politics and of course politics is never far from my heart, though I intend to move the blog in to other directions, at least for now.

So stay tuned as I tweak and push this thing into new lands.

My Film Recommendations for the week:

THE INCREDIBLES @ a theater near you. Saw it, loved it, transcends its genre and format.


DIG! - playing in major cities and on the Sundance Channel. It's about 7 years in the life of two minor alternabands back in the mid 90s - The Brian Jonestown Massacre and the Dandy Warhols. It is incredibly entertaining (if you think human artistic trainwrecks make for good cinema - and I do) and I have a soft spot as the BJM started around the same time King Dork was kicking around the clubs of San Francisco. I used to staple our flyers next to theirs on telephone poles all over the Haight and Mission. So, even though I didn't particularly know Anton Newcombe (the leader of the BJM) his bands world and my bands world crossed cultural and artistic paths all over the Bay Area. His band continued - and thank god, its longevity makes for a great movie if nothing else - and my band petered out as most do and left nary a mark on the weird history of Rock and Roll - a fact that saddens me to this day. I always thought (and still do) that Rock Star is a great job title and the perks aren't bad either.


Blogger Brian King said...

Right dear boy,
The only sensible thing to do after a defeat is retrench. Rethink strategies and devise a new plan of attack. Let's take a new direction. How about, just unbrideled weirdness? Zen warfare..outhink your opponent! Guerrilla minute I'm talking about Russ Meyer..the next, a bomb explodes in your pants?! Gothca!

10:05 PM  

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