Sunday, December 12, 2004

Holiday Break

The fall 2004 semester concluded for me last Wednesday as I suffered through my math final (of which I have no idea if I passed or not - mathematics being my Achilles heel) and since then I have gorged myself on the diversions that feed my soul.

In no particular order I have soaked up or refamiliarized myself with art in a few of its many forms: Lit, Film and Tunes.

At the Movies

The Motorcycle Diaries - getting politically activated with Ernesto. Enjoyed it, though it's sort of slow, like the Amazon. Great South American vistas.

Oceans Twelve - "Let's get all the young millionaires together and go to Lake Como and yuck it up" - I THINK I liked it better than Oceans 11, but I don't really remember much about Ocean's 11 (the SECOND one, not the Rat Pack one, which is a snooze) so I'll just have to say this: Catherine Zeta-Jones, cool Euro-locales and great suits. Oh, and there is a heist or two.

National Treasure - Pure fluff and worth every penny of the 3 dollars paid to see it at a small theater in rural South Georgia, where I was visiting with my grandmother and had only two movies to chose from the local DUO-PLEX, as it was either this or the apparently unforgivingly appalling "Christmas with the Kranks" and the only recommendation I can give for National Treasure is that I'd probably watch it again if I came across it on TV one night.


Fellini's La Dolce Vita & Roma Who needs drugs when you have Fellini?

Live Forever - The Rise and Fall of Britpop The BRITS need drugs that's who...lots and lots of drugs. Great Documetaryh about one of my favorite periods in pop music.

The Wild Angels & Easy Rider ...and these TWO movies flicks. Peter Fonda sixties bookends. In Angels he's an Iron Cross wearing one-percenter-no-hoper and in the other he's "hip to time, but I just gotta go."

Peter Fonda as Heavenly Blues: "We want to be FREE! We want to be free to DO what we want to DO! We want to be free to ride our machines! And we want to get LOADED! We want to have a GOOD TIME! We want to have a PARTY! And that is what we're gonna do!"

Good Reads

The Burroughs File - a nice slice of the master with pages of actual cut-ups. William was no slouch when it came to reorganizing his molecules.

Aural Delights: Heavy Rotation

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - All of it! This is just fantastic-fucked-up-pyschodelicately-lush-music. Makes me happy.

U2 - How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb proof that age has nothing to do with making great pop songs.

Brian Wilson - Smile This is the album that COULD have influenced a generation, but Brian was saving it to influence me.

The Black Keys - Rubber Factory These two guys are great. Go getcha sum Black Keys!

Interpol - Antics This, and the first Interpol album sound like the two albums me and a whole bunch of other people tried to make in the mid-80s to early 90s, but it was still just way too soon after the death of Ian Curtis to be hailed or appreciated. Time heals all wounds and this stuff just found its proper time portal to be reintroduced.

So, the groove has been strong all week. Plus, I've been working up lyrics for a few of the Sherry songs for our album "One for the Voyage" and let it be known here and now that I think this will be the BEST album of 2005. I'll put it up against any other album.


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