Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Ok, Ok, so I haven't added anything to this blog in over a month.

I'm very sorry, really I am.

What with the holiday homebound shuffle, my classes and my general pscyhic malaise concerning the recent re-inauguration of GWB and the state of the progressive movement in this country, let's just say that I have not had too much to ramble on about - at least nothing that made my heart soar - and after a year and a half of burrowing deep in to the coal black guts of the local and national political animal, even I needed a short break; a respite to scrub the dried blood off my hands as it were; a mental break so as to ward off a real breakdown later on.

So in actuality, I have had a lot to say, way too much in fact. The problem was that every time I sat down at the keyboard to spill it out, for your reading pleasure and my desperate need, I did just that: I opened the flood-gates and let it rip. An hour or so of rapid-fire typing produced a vast landscape of ranting twaddle and I would scroll down when finished, only to read through a riot of intertwined ideas and conspiracy theories; a muddle of polluted brain spillage, and it was at this point that I (wisely) either cranked the valve wide on the bilge-pump and evacuated the offending shit-storm from the hard-drive or I parked it out of sight over in my draft folder, with the thought that I might possibly visit it at a later date (this, dear reader, is doubtful - for I dilligently avoid the contents of my draft folder - for it is a shit-house that reeks of blunder and half-thoughts, all of which deserve no pardon and should be forgotten forever - sort of like an old shifty aquaintance who's been guilty their whole schemeing life and they were finally cornered by the proper authorities and tossed into jail, where they actually belong, and you know in your heart that they deserve to be there. So therefore your exhibitions of sympathy to their plight may come across as tepid at best).

So, I promise you, dear reader, to get back into the swing of things as we plunge headlong into '05 and return to my potent musings and mental droplets for the world needs to read them, and I need to tap them out.

But for now, I have to skidaddle. I've a laborious Jane Austen novel to gulp down in one dose - eegads.


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