Saturday, February 19, 2005

Notebooks (1999-2000)

Whilst tripping through my archives recently, I found this stretch of work that I was doing when I arrived back in Chattanooga Tennessee after vacating my world in California (needing a psychic break). This period was a very rich artisic (though sadly not on a financial level, oh well) time for me. I was writing a weekly column on whatever subject I felt like, hosting my successful pub quiz at a bar called The Attic (gone the way of the dodo) and filling my notebooks with all sorts of weirdness. This was due to the fact that I was re-aquainting and re-examining a very strange place, the city of Chattanooga and the South in general, that I had bolted from at the beginning of the '90s when I split for new adventures and new faces in California. Anyway, I've always liked my notebook art and I thought it was time to share - let the pieces out as it were. Some of the pieces actually predate my move back to the South but I figured I toss them in here. I'll be posting these sorts of things as I find them and take photos of them. Enjoy.

I literally found this picture of what I took to be a shadow that someone had tossed on the ground and I gave the shadow a new life of its own to contemplate.

These are individual stills from The Spy Who Came In From The Cold that I took off the TV one night - the text is a joural entry about Liz by Dick.

Santa and the Indian


Flower of Klum


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