Wednesday, February 16, 2005


I feel vindicated: Howard Dean is now the chair of the Democratic National Committee. Gee, I wonder how that happened? Oh yeah, the Dems fucked him in the snows of Iowa, went on to shoot themselves in the foot with a Kerry candidacy, handed the nuthouse competely over to the GOP and the trad dems crawled under rocks due to the shame.

Now, two things will happen: Either the Democratic party FINDS its voice, re-focuses its efforts and connects with those 3-4 million (or more) voters who shut us out this time, or the whole party is going down in flames anyway and the smart crowd thought they'd just hand the keys of a burning house over to the lefties who made up the Deaniac wing of the Democratic party and let um have at it.

Howard Dean is a scrapper and I have a fair amount of faith in him BUT, and this weighs heavily on my mind, since politics is a numbers game, maybe, just maybe the louts who make up the GOP's base and the rest of their general supporters OUTNUMBER us and Liberals will NEVER win again. The Social Security fight, which is OUR fight to WIN as the Right wants to essentially dismantle FDR's New Deal. If we lose this fight, it's over.

The thought has crossed my mind recently that the vast majority of Americans really are just selfish/me-first/pseudo-Christian/war-loving/fuck-the-little-guy/intolerant queer-hating/shit-eyed/myopic/support-the-troops-yellow-ribbon-magnet-Bush'04 stickered SUV loving/Tree/Kyoto Accord hating/Fox News-Talk Radio spoon-fed dunderfucks and that the dream may actually be dead.

Please color me wrong.


Blogger Brian King said...

Don't hold your breath. Obviously, the screwheads outnumber us right now, and the current air of backslapping, self-congratulatory bandwagon jumping (see local Hamilton County Commissioner Curtis Adams' leap to the Republican party) favors the rich, bloated, and full-bellied. It's the hungry, limbless, and desperate that I'm counting on. But they're at the bottom of the heap right now. Their voices are not being heard, and if the Dems run Hillary in 08, forget it. We're fucked.

6:44 AM  

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