Monday, October 24, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you...


(which for those who know me, is perhaps the perfect "band" name).

and some of you might be aware that I have been making some music.

Well, here is a taste.

Go here and check out the new/now sounds of alpinista.

the new/now sounds that are paving the road to Glastonbury!

SNAP playing IndieMemphis Film Festival

SNAP, the film I acted in where I play the cool as ice hitman Orson, is the feature presentation on Wednesday, October 26th at the IndieMemphis Soul of Southern Film Festival @ 8:30. So, if in the Memphis Tennessee area, drop in and check it out.

Here is the link to the Festival

Friday, October 14, 2005

Death to Spies!

Well, here he is, the new James Bond. His name is Daniel Craig and what excites me about the next film, Casino Royale, is that they are going back to Bond's origins. How Bond became Bond. It worked with Batman Begins and the James Bond character is ripe for this sort of a look back in time. I wonder if they are going to set it in the modern age, or back in the fifties or early sixties, which I think would be very cool? Anyway, here is an article that'll tell you all about it.

Casino Royale hits screens November 17, 2006!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Nothing is Shocking

Soldiers have triumphantly posed with the corpses of their enemies since the dawn of warfare. Roads were lined with impaled heads on pikes and soldiers have even proudly worn the severed body parts of their vanquished foes as smelly little totems, so it comes as no surprise that in our fast-paced digital age, the same thuggish behavior has shown its head in our own nasty little war zones.

I live in a quasi-military town (I say quasi because although there is a strong military presence here, with its accompanying "Support the Troops" jingoism in the low country of Georgia, it is not the ONLY social and economic engine which runs this city). Anyway, if you spend even one Friday night roaming the bars of my fair city you'll see how many of our young enlisted boys act as they pour down the streets in testosterone, anger and booze fueled packs. One does not have to stretch the mind far to see how these same young bucks might find themselves excitedly posing with the corpses of mutilated Iraqis and Afghans, reveling in these brutal deaths with the same sort of fist-in-the-air-high-five Neanderthalish glee that they bring to beer bongs, AIDS jokes and the strong procilvity for date rape (a "Heather's" reference that seemed apropos).

This is a brutal male culture that actually revels in it's own dim-witted ways and which receives it's monophonic marching orders from a gaggle of war-mongering GOP hate-filled homophobic intolerants who adhere to a philosophy steeped in a third grader's perception of medieval religious doctrine. I would be bereft if I failed to point to the steady diet of MTV's Jackass, Fear Factor, DVD's of "Girls Gone Wild", endless hours of first person shooter video game mayhem, jock-culture and back issues of Maxim magazine which all power the small grid that is hard-wired in the modern jarhead psyche: none of which makes a good recipe for conscientious introspection, righteous dissent or even a smidgen of progressive thought. Running in a Pamplona frenzy with the unblinking murderous herd has always been the easy way (think: Good Germans).

Where am I going with this? Well, if you want a nice slice of the real story concerning our exciting Nation buiding adventures in the Middle East, then I need to direct you to a porn site (as the mainstream media tends to shy away from this sort of "coverage" - due to its VERY GRAPHIC NATURE - but also because of what it say's about the psyche's of "The Boys and Girls aka: 'our heroes'" who are protecting "Our Freedom" from legions of brown skinned Islamic bogeymen).

But first here is a very good article that will explain just what and why you will see the things you see. There is a LINK to the (War) porn site from this article THIS SITE is FUCKED UP and not for the SQUEAMISH. It is a site FULL of MUTILATED bodies. This is what WAR (and some of the "heroes" who fight it) REALLY LOOKS LIKE.

Ah, Karma

Wife Beater

Not long ago I posted a letter (see June archives: A Phony Writer...) that I wrote to Chicago Sun-Times/New York Daily News columnist Neil Steinberg concerning his myopic public trashing of the artist Kerry Skarbakka which lead to Kerry recieving death threats from cro-mags upon his return to New York City after completing the photographic part of his art (he was "falling" from the roof of the MCA in Chicago and his team of photographers shot pictures that he would later manipulate digitally. Steinberg accused him of "reenacting" 9-11 as a publicity stunt which was a million miles away from Kerry's intention).

Steinberg climbed up on his moral high horse and gave Kerry a serious thrashing in print, saying he was no artist and that his "stunt" was disgusting. He finished his column saying that he'd like to whip Kerry with a cat-o-nine-tails on a street corner in New York City.

Well Neil's proclivity for physical assault reared its nasty little head this last week as he was arrested in Chicago for domestic battery (apparently he could not wait to get it on with Kerry so he took it out on his wife instead after a night of serious boozing). Anyway, his moral high horse turned out to be a Trojan horse full of nasty little demons that exploded from their hiding place and have forced him from his vaunted self-righteous perch. Apparently Neil has had a field day as a columnist dragging the carcasses of other's through the bloody fields of public embarrassment and so now the tide has gloriously turned as it always does. Have fun in rehab Neil.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Film That Will Warm the Coldest Heart