Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Festivus!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Love this band Datarock

I interviewed Fredrik (guitar/vocals) last week in Cincinnati. Cool guy, big Scott Walker fan (who I also totally dig), great show.


Hey, this was our idea!

Ok, no idea is original, but with a little sprinkling of venture capital, they can seem original. A few years back, over beers and bbq, a dude I know (Jason) came out and said, "we should have a whole channel on TV with nothing but commercials." I nodded and thought, mmm, good idea. We spent the rest of the day and night hashing it out, figuring out how to do it, and then we realized that it cost real money (connections, etc.) to start an entire TV channel.

Tada! It was bound to happen. Why waste all that content that costs so much to make. Here it is!

This should turn up in a Bond film

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Remember the time...(fall of 2003)?

This picture was taken when I was a true blue believer in Democratic politics (still am - because once it's in the blood, it's in the blood, but now I truly understand how twisted, rotten, evil, and inherently self-serving the whole suck ass game really is).

Case in point: I was really down with Howard Dean's trip and I worked hard to help him out. I met him (the picture looks like I am freaking him out with my words of wisdom - and maybe I am - but he needed them) in Charleston, SC at a bar called L.J.'s after he gave a speech at the campus of the College of Charleston. As we all know, he would freak out a few months later on stage (the scream) after getting his ass handed to him in Iowa. Now he runs the DNC. Anyway, I just came across this shot on the web and I have no idea who took it but as I watch this new crop running around the country (though primarily Iowa and New Hampshire) I can't help but be reminded of my own time in the trenches as it were. A lot of lessons can be learned from Dean's campaign (Ron Paul's kids are now ripping a few pages out the old Dean playbook, but I know it's not going to help him, just like it did not help Dean).

When I met him, Dean was the friggin' man, on the cover of the all the national news mags, THE FRONT RUNNER and the man to beat. Paul is out there still on the masturbating fringe - fueled by late night tweakers who have nothing to do but give their money away to a campaign so they can set one day "records" for fundraising. Oh, and don't get me wrong, we (the Dean kids) did the same delusional thing. We to were out on that same masturbating fringe - completely convinced that we were going all the way to 1600 Pennsylvania avenue with the good doctor. We set Dean's sights so high - but in the end - those 3000 tattooed, pierced, orange beany bedecked freaks from NYC, LA and SF who descended upon Iowa freaked out those farmers so bad that old Howard came in a distant 3rd on caucus night and hence the scream heard round the world. Farmers don't read blogs or sit up at night hitting the "send $50 dollars" button on their candidates Paypal accounts.

It's going be very interesting to see whose screaming after the Iowa caucuses in a few weeks.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Kashmir! Led Zep Live in 2007! Tour please.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Internet vs. Reality

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Crank Dat Kidz!