After all the
Left Behind dimwits move far out into the "exurbs" where they feel safe and secure surrounded by their McMansions, Olive Garden's, Wal-Mart's and Megachurches, and thus that much farther away from any weird foreigner/alternative-lifestyle types, then perhaps the rapid depletion of the world's energy supplies will in essence strand them way out there on the exurban periphery, as if out on some intellectually deserted & resource depleted island; a morally & racially pure fenced-in-area with no "dirty-secular-liberal" ideas to weigh them down; a place where they can all proudly vote the straight GOP (God's Own Party) ticket and collectively and intolerantly pass judgment on the things/ideas they don't understand; a place where they can get drunk, slather around in hot tubs and swap spouses like they do on reality TV; a place where they can lovingly gaze at their internet porn while railing against it in public; a place to hide real sexual preferences in their closets; a place to cheat on their taxes because taxes are evil; a place to trim their rootless hedges in rows of cubic sameness and a place to mow their freshly sodded lawns after soaking them in chemicals; a place to ignore their speed-addicted-death-obsessed-latch-key-goth-clad kids; a place to polish their recently un-banned assault weapons; a place to watch the weekend gladiator contests and other "dain-bramaged" retarded shit like
WWF Smackdown and
The Bachelorette on their plasma screen TV's - with which they overdrew their credit to the limit to buy in order to keep up with the other pork bellied sows who they call friends; and a place to continually fret about their oh-so-sketchy-outsourced-to-Mumbai gigs down at the human filing cabinets where they sell their "once saved-always saved" black-hearted little souls each and every day - all the while exhibiting an outwardly "chipper-like" bearing concerning their Sysiphistic little white bread
Purpose Driven Life (the purpose being: to ruin a good thing, ie; the "original" American Dream - which was in theory to live and let live, because they knew no better, because dreaming requires an imagination, and their imagination was sucked out through a skinny PVC tube clogged with the collective refuse of a mass-produced factory sealed nightmare).
Whoah, did I write that? On Easter? My goodness, but really, if this were to
really happen, it would give a much appreciated wide berth and a long sought after break to those of us who believe the world is a little more than 5,000 years old. A real break for those who give a damn about helping (instead of hating) the less fortunate, who hate (instead of embrace) war and environmental & human exploitation and who truly believe that the word "Freedom" means to be FREE from intolerant spirit-sucking-sheep, instead of a catch-phrase for a so-called patriotic war-mongering propaganda campaign that thinks slapping a cheap yellow ribbon magnet to the ass-end of an SUV is the bold high-water mark of civic duty.
So, as many people across the world "celebrate" Easter today, I can't help but think that Jesus, if he really is who they say he is, came back, he would probably just shake his long-tressed, hippy locks and sadly walk away from the soul-depressing company of a vast majority of his so-called "believers", and he would probably mumble something like, "...this isn't what I was talking about. I got strung up on a cross for this?"
Happy Easter - now go hug a tree before the aforementioned cut it down to build something stupid.