Each morning I plug into the data stream, in order to get a tight bead on local, national and world events.
I do this because I am interested. I care. Because I want to know.
I do this because I seek a better understanding of my consistently absurd species, who never cease to amaze me with their consistently absurd set of belief patterns, moral tics and knee-jerk behaviors.
I do this because I wake each day with my own rather absurd idea that somewhere out there, flailing and drowning in the ether, bobs Old Lady Truth - splashing about, screaming for a lifeline, praying for a rescue swimmer - and sadly, I have a feeling that the old bitch is going to drown.
Who needs truth when a perfectly constructed lie will suffice? Truth is messy. Truth has seven wretched heads, six of which are riddled with the blood stained teeth of a raptor. The old line used to be, "the truth will set you free," and that is a nice line, but one that is hardly adhered to in any way, any more. The new line is, "The Truth is a Lie."
Who needs truth or justice or any real sense of right and wrong when the playing field is a constantly morphing television saturated hallucination at best.
In the past week or so, a few more whacks of a dull axe hit the truth tree, and I can hear it beginning to creak..., what's the word? Oh yea, "Timber!":
1) ABC affiliates all over the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (the land of the free for those of you in other countries)
self-censored themselves on Veterans Day by refusing to air "Saving Private Ryan" - the Steven Spielberg WWII Normandy invasion bloodwash - which they previously aired in 2001 and 2002, in its entirety, with no cuts and no removal of horrendous words like FUCK, SHIT, DAMN, etc. (they previously aired it because "SPR" is so culturally "important" (decided by who I do not know) and "real" (according to those who were there) and "a must see" (according to Hoyle) and because Spielberg personally helmed its cinematic birthing and he said the network couldn't broadcast his movie if they chopped it up - and who really wants to see 3/4 of any movie, anyway - I mean really, if it was left up to the auspices of the nutless networks, and if there had been no "cable revolution", we'd all be watching about one half of EVERY movie - from "The Apple Dumpling Gang" with Don Knotts to "The Grudge" with Buffy, to save some very. very valuable time - because the airing of "movies" has never had anything to do with the "content" or "importance" of said movies - it has had to do with the gold mine of measurable, sellable, TIME, which is still the most expensive real-estate on the planet (Try to sell your front yard for a million dollars or more so some bastard can wave a sign at traffic for 30 seconds, the price of a second half Super Bowl ad - serious real estate and see if you get one dollar): this translates into more time to run more ads for octogenarian hard-on's and monthly female bloating, anyway, I digress.
Or do I?
Spielberg offered the same fuck-you-deal to the suits at the networks for his "Schindler's List" - which is also a VERY important (with a capital "eye") film and it touched a lot of raw nerves over at "Network" - and I'm not even going down that slippery slope for this particular post, they have their reasons, he has his - and since he was able to sell that slick black and white death show, why not sell his "Von Ryan's Express" - oh wait, I'm sorry, that was a Frank Sinatra film, I meant to say, "Saving Ryan's Privates", or something to that effect, to the network with the same cushy, no cutting, no commercials deal?
They'd open the LANDMARK NETWORK PRESENTATION with a SOLEMN James Earl Jones style reminder for the TV pickled audience that this particular slice of cinema was in fact a serious bloodletting freakout that might possibly disgust a large swath of their loyal sitcom audience - who all have cable and see this shit and much worse, all the time, 24/7 on every other channel anyway, except of course that this version of Spielbergs DAWN OF THE NAZI DEAD parading as a WWII film was steeped in the earthy facts of Undisputed History instead of the wild world of stoner Fantasy and was, therefore, deemed way more IMPORTANT than say some blarney-Saturday morning, movies-for-guys-who-like-movies crap like, "The Sands of Iwo Jima" with Herr John Wayne, and well, it worked for at least TWO veteran's day's in row, and then for some reason they (ABC) didn't show "Ryan" last year, for whatever reason, which I guarantee/will bet had a lot more to do with MONEY and the actual RATINGS and NOT with any deep felt commitment to HONOR the men and women in the good old USA who have worn the uniform.
Anyway, where was I, oh yes, They, being the warriors over at a lot of ABC affiliates, did this because they are afraid of any actions that a newly emboldened FCC might, and that is MIGHT, impose on them - because, they are emboldened by the so called Bush electoral MANDATE from the flat-earth Leviticus league who catapulted Bush back into office, so anything is possible and nothing is really permitted. T'is OK to send "our brave boys and girls" to fight and die or be permanently maimed, mentally and physically, in the alleyways of Falluja - but the showing of "Saving Private Ryan" during primetime, on a day we've set aside to HONOR our soldiers (How can showing a big budget pseudo snuff film HONOR anyone?) with it's realistic, but very FAKE, cleverly staged, depictions of men at war (that is NOT NORMANDY BEACH kids) is seen as unsettling to the AVERAGE CHRISTIAN soul - which has been so recently purified in the waters of intolerance that was our recent election. Oh, they showed it Savannah, where I live, and I did lock into the first 30 minutes, which is the best and nastiest part of the film, but after that hell for leather opening, IMHO, it really begins to drag-"Band of Brother's" is a thousand times better.
Whoa, there is more, Rob's on a roll...Good God!
2) My local paper, the Savannah Morning News (www.Savannahnow.com) up in arms that anyone would doubt the murderous intentions of a United States MARINE, wrote an entire
editorial today (registration required) condemning the gutless national press for carrying on about the Marine who shot and killed the wounded Iraqi in the mosque in Falluja. Once again, the supporters of the war want to have it both ways. They want to insist that they are all GLORIOUS WARRIORS FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE AND THE GOOD CHRISTIAN AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE and still find some serious moral wiggle room when it comes to placing a "security round" in the dudes head. (Well, that's what the paper called it - a "security round" - and that's what JESUS would have called it if he'd have stormed that mosque. Shit howdy, he'd have parked a serious security round straight into that guy's skull. It damn well says he would have too, in LEVITICUS! Oh, what, Jesus isn't mentioned in LEVITICUS? Well, we'll make sure to fix that little bit of biblical oversight in the forthcoming edition, THE NEOCON RED STATE INTERNATIONAL FAITH AND JUSTICE BIBLE)
They want to say, "you, yeah you, you little pansy ass just don't know what combat is like!" Well, I have a pretty good idea of what it is like. It's a bunch of killing and being scared - wow, deep. But, there was a camera there, and camera's DON'T lie, nor do they get scared and they sure don't kill people - what's the NRA chant? People Kill People? Yeah that's it - A camera is always impartial and this one saw a cold blooded shit-eye-ass-wipe in a US Marine uniform - who by the way, is MY representative, whether HE OR SHE likes it or not - around the world -getting off on shooting a bullet into a barely breathing lump of flesh, just because he was "pumped up" or whatever. Combat-Shombat, you VOLUNTEERED for this! Don't kill people in COLD BLOOD and then tell me how tough it all is, YOU (Talking to KILLER BOY here) wanted to be there, listening to Linkin Park and storming a mosque in Falluja, taking names for 9-11! My cat knows more about HONOR than your murdering sorry ass will ever know, and my cat doesn't know much, she's a cat.
Fucking murdering bastard (alleged murderer, right?- innocent until proven guilty. I am a BIG believer in that) is what he is and I hope he is tried as such. This is why we have the Geneva Conventions, which lately have become a real hindrance to the out and out bloodlust of the supporters of this war and those who love them and
support the murder of the journalists who cover the war and attempt to produce the truth in an atmosphere of murder, deception, censorship and fear. I don't care how they are wording it, they HATE these people (journalists or anyone who dares question their blind stupidity) and wish they could line them all up and place a barrel full of "security rounds" through every Mohammed loving one of their heads and just get it all over with.
There is one more, I told you I'm on a roll here...
3) The Grand Old Party came out in favor of
changing ethics rules, which they put in place back in the early 90's to show how high-fallutin moral they were, because now the tables have turned and their Boss Hogg, Rep. Tom Delay, is about to be up to his scaly neck in indictments due to his consistently felonious track record abusing the power of his office. Fucking hypocrites.
Truth, Justice & The American Way? These are just three more sad examples of what we have to look forward to: Self-Censorship (best you do it before we have too), USDA Approved Bloodlust (Fire & Forget) and The Moral Suckdog (We don't need no stinking badges).
We have handed these neo-fascist toadies the sword, may they fall on it, before we all do.